Big Energy Saving Week 2024: Save Money & Save the Planet

It's Big Energy Saving Week!

From January 17th to 23rd.

This nationwide campaign shines a light on the simple steps we can all take to reduce our energy use, shrink our bills, and make a positive impact on the environment. This nationwide initiative isn't just about saving a few pounds on your bill (although that's pretty awesome too!); it's about making a positive impact on the environment and securing a more sustainable future.

At Peak Governance, we believe that understanding our carbon footprint and how to reduce it is key to long-term energy saving success. That's why we're excited to highlight the importance of Carbon Literacy during this important week.

The Power of Awareness:

This week is all about shining a spotlight on the simple steps we can take to shrink our energy footprint. Whether it's switching off lights, lowering thermostats, or embracing shorter showers, every action counts. But Big Energy Saving Week goes beyond quick fixes. It emphasises the importance of understanding your energy consumption, giving you the power to make informed decisions and achieve long-term energy savings.

Master Your Metre:

During this week, take some time to become familiar with your household energy usage. Get curious! Check out your metre readings, learn about your peak hours, and analyse your billing statements. Armed with this knowledge, you can easily identify areas for improvement and prioritise changes that pack the biggest punch.

Small Tweaks, Big Impact:

Even the simplest adjustments can make a significant difference. Try these energy-saving tips:

  • Turn off lights and electronics when not in use. This low-hanging fruit is a power-saving no-brainer!

  • Embrace natural light. Open curtains and blinds during the day to illuminate your rooms with the sun's power.

  • Adjust your thermostat wisely. Lower the temperature when you're asleep or out of the house, and consider energy-efficient alternatives like heat pumps or smart thermostats.

  • Shorten your showers. Every minute saved means less hot water used, translating to energy and cost savings.

  • Unplug unused chargers and electronics. Phantom energy drain is real! Power down devices completely when not in use.

  • Consider energy-efficient appliances. When replacing appliances, opt for models with high energy-star ratings.

  • Embrace air drying for laundry. Ditch the energy-guzzling dryer and let the sun and fresh air do the work.

Beyond the Week:

Remember, Big Energy Saving Week is just the starting point. Let's keep the momentum going long after the celebrations end. By incorporating these simple tips into your daily routine and staying mindful of your energy consumption, you can create lasting change, saving money, reducing your carbon footprint, and contributing to a more sustainable future for all.

Let's make Big Energy Saving Week a turning point towards a more sustainable future, one light switch, one shorter shower, and one informed decision at a time!


Peak Governance and Carbon Literacy:

At Peak Governance, we're passionate about promoting carbon literacy throughout organisations and communities. We offer a range of accredited carbon literacy training programs tailored to different needs, from individual employee training to comprehensive organisational workshops. Our engaging and informative courses empower your team to understand their carbon impact, make informed decisions, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

This Big Energy Saving Week, let's go beyond quick fixes and embrace the power of carbon literacy. By understanding our role in climate change and the practical steps we can take to reduce our impact, we can collectively contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

Take action today:

  • Visit our accredited carbon literacy training programs.

  • Share this blog post with your colleagues and friends: let's spread the word about the importance of carbon literacy!

  • Join the Big Energy Saving conversation online: use the hashtag #BigEnergySavingWeek and share your energy-saving tips and carbon literacy journey!


Remember, a small change on your part can make a big difference. Let's make Big Energy Saving Week a catalyst for lasting change, both for our wallets and our planet.

Additional Resources:

The Carbon Literacy Project:

Billy Mollison

My corporate careers spanned 30 years in the financial industry and 18 in the public sector, working in the U.K., the Gulf, Bermuda, the Balkans, and the USA. It includes NED appointments plus senior executive and mentoring roles. My qualifications include a Fellowship at the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, an Honours degree in Economics and Politics, Certified Membership of the Institute of Risk Management, Gold ISACA membership status, ILM accreditation, and Accreditation by The Carbon Literacy Project.

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