Save Money and Energy with this Free Energy Calculator

How do you estimate the energy running costs for your business?

At Peak Governance Business Advisors, we're committed to helping our clients operate efficiently and sustainably. With rising energy costs, many businesses are looking for ways to reduce consumption and save money on utility bills.

That's why we're recommending GoCompare's free, interactive energy cost calculator tool. This user-friendly resource allows businesses to estimate the running costs of various appliances, enabling informed decisions about energy usage.

Benefits of GoCompare's Energy Calculator:

  • Identify Energy Guzzlers: Compare appliance energy consumption and pinpoint areas where your business might be using excessive energy.

  • Make Informed Decisions: Prioritise upgrades or replacements for less energy-efficient equipment, potentially leading to significant cost savings.

  • Plan for the Future: As energy costs fluctuate, the calculator can be a valuable tool for budgeting and planning your future energy needs.


Using GoCompare's Energy Calculator

Getting started is simple:

  1. Visit GoCompare's energy calculator tool:

  2. Select the appliances you want to compare.

  3. Indicate how long you typically use each appliance.

  4. The calculator will estimate the running cost of each appliance based on your selections.


Additional Tips for Saving Energy

While GoCompare's calculator is a powerful tool, it's just one piece of the puzzle. Here are some additional tips to consider:

  • Unplug Unused Electronics: Leaving electronics on standby mode still consumes energy. Make it a habit to unplug chargers, monitors, and other devices when not in use.

  • Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances: Look for appliances with high Energy Star ratings when replacing older equipment.

  • Embrace Natural Light: Take advantage of natural light whenever possible to reduce reliance on artificial lighting.

  • Implement Smart Power Strips: These power strips automatically cut power to unused electronics, further reducing energy consumption.

By combining the GoCompare calculator with these practices, your business can make significant strides towards a more sustainable and cost-effective future.


Take the Next Step

Ready to take control of your business's energy consumption and save money? Schedule a free consultation with a Peak Governance Business Advisor today. We'll discuss your unique needs and develop a plan to help you achieve your sustainability goals, or visit one of our Carbon Reduction Strategy pages.

Billy Mollison

My corporate careers spanned 30 years in the financial industry and 18 in the public sector, working in the U.K., the Gulf, Bermuda, the Balkans, and the USA. It includes NED appointments plus senior executive and mentoring roles. My qualifications include a Fellowship at the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, an Honours degree in Economics and Politics, Certified Membership of the Institute of Risk Management, Gold ISACA membership status, ILM accreditation, and Accreditation by The Carbon Literacy Project.

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