Time For Some Straight Talking…

Last week in New York, UN General Secretary, Antonio Guterres directly called out those fossil fuel companies who do not have any credible net zero targets, saying they should not be in business.

Harsh words, in some ways, but the time for language wrapped in cotton wool has long gone, when it comes to the climate emergency we all now face.

So while the fossil fuel companies bore the brunt of those words, it is up to us all, SME’s included, to actively work towards our own net zero targets, starting today. 

That is the challenging news. The good news is that the knowledge and capabilities are out there to help you as an SME, a business owner, a leader of people and an important part of the community you serve and operate in, to achieve your targets.

As business advisors, we see sustainability and credible net zero targets as not merely an optional extra, but as an integral part of any ongoing business strategy. To that end, we have engaged with and trained many business owners and key personnel in Carbon Literacy, thus enabling them to demonstrate to their stakeholders their true commitment to addressing the climate emergency.

To tap in to that knowledge and to help maximise your companies potential to lead the way in the fight for the future of your planet, visit our Carbon Literacy Training page

We currently have 2 x 4 hour on-line courses on 21st/28th February and 4 x 2 hour on-line courses on 2nd,9th,16th and 23rd of March.

For further information on our Carbon Literacy Training courses and to sign up please visit our Carbon Literacy Training page.

Our clients have benefited from our straight-talking business advice tailored to their needs. Why not join them?


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