CLAD Accredited Course for SMEs - 4th December 2023

At Peak Governance, we're excited to offer an opportunity for individuals working in SMEs to become certified by The Carbon Literacy Project.

Join us for the third annual Carbon Literacy Action Day (CLAD) on Monday, December 4th, 2023, coinciding with the UN COP28 Climate Negotiations.

This Action Day is your chance to make a meaningful impact on climate change through Carbon Literacy training. We're bringing together people from all walks of life, across various sectors, ages, genders, and nations, to engage in Carbon Literacy training.

Each attendee will gain accreditation on completion of the course plus the successful assessment of an Action Plan outlining the steps that will be taken to combat climate change.

If you're eager to become a Climate Change Champion, make a difference in your community by demonstrating your commitment to the climate emergency and sustainability, then sign up for our CLAD Accredited course on the 4th of December 2023.


Why get involved in the Action Day?

  • Join the world's largest low-carbon climate education day.

  • Immerse yourself in an exciting event during COP28.

  • Enhance your understanding of climate change and take immediate, impactful steps to combat the climate crisis.

  • Embrace the rich diversity of Carbon Literacy as people from diverse backgrounds and countries worldwide unite to complete their day of Carbon Literacy training.

  • Use this Action Day as a catalyst to inspire higher levels of engagement, activity, and Carbon Literacy within your community, organisation, or daily life.

  • Demonstrate your unwavering commitment to climate action.

  • Last but certainly not least, obtain your certification as a Carbon Literate individual and receive a distinctive Action Day certificate!


Why become Carbon Literate?

Carbon Literacy equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration needed to foster a constructive transformation in our lifestyles, workplaces, and responses to the climate crisis.

Therefore, becoming Carbon Literate includes:

  • Deepening your understanding of the climate crisis and its implications on your personal carbon footprint.

  • Grasping the diverse ways through which you, whether as an individual, organisation, or community, can reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Creating positive change in your personal life, within your organisation, or across your community.

  • Cultivating a profound awareness of climate change's far-reaching global impacts, including an understanding of climate injustice.

  • Engaging in efforts to establish enduring change and inspire hope for all.


How Can I Get Involved?

Sign up for our CLAD Accredited course on the 4th of December 2023.

Each attendee will gain accreditation on completion of the course plus the successful assessment of an Action Plan outlining the steps that will be taken to combat climate change.

Becoming accredited expands not only your knowledge about climate change, it is the means by which you can continue to expand your understanding of ways to combat it.

Start your Climate Change accreditation journey now.


How else can Peak Governance help?

At Peak Governance, we understand the importance of Carbon Literacy and offer comprehensive solutions to guide your business towards a more sustainable future. So, let's embark on this journey towards carbon literacy and make a real difference, starting today. :

  • Bespoke Sustainability Workshops: Our workshops provide a unique opportunity to delve deep into the world of sustainability, explore innovative solutions, and empower participants to make a positive impact on the planet.

  • Scope 1,2,3 Emissions Calculations: Understanding and managing your organisation's emissions is crucial in today's world, and we are here to guide you through the process.

  • Compliance with the Environment Act 2021: As environmental awareness and sustainability take centre stage, it is crucial for businesses to stay informed and meet regulatory requirements.

  • Accredited Carbon Literacy Training: Carbon Literacy Training Program, designed to provide businesses with the knowledge and tools to navigate the challenges of carbon emissions and sustainability.


Are you ready to take the next step towards a more sustainable future for your business?

Don't hesitate to reach out and schedule a call to discuss how carbon literacy can benefit your organisation, provide insights into our comprehensive training courses, and explore how we can collaborate to develop a tailored sustainability strategy that aligns with your values.


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