Peak Governance

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Clothes Horse Vs Tumble Dryer

A study produced in April 2022, by Northumbria University has shown that harmful microfibres are being released into the atmosphere from tumble dryers.

Wildlife then ingest these microfibres as they float in the air, settle on land and eventually get washed into rivers. Through time, these non-biodegradable fibres end up on our dinner plates as they enter the food chain. 

The particles also absorb harmful chemicals that leach out into the systems of any person or animal that breathes them in.

 If you couple the above with the soaring energy costs we are currently enduring, you can see why many individuals as well as companies are looking at every conceivable way of saving money, while protecting the planet we all share, and in the latter case, making their business more resilient in the process. So in this instance, the clothes horse will gallop to the winning line first.

 The ROI Is enormous. Simple idea, cheap to install, and it saves a significant sum of money over a one-year period.

 We advise our clients on many aspects of climate literacy, and our accredited training courses are set up to look at specific industries and specific environments. The aim is to inspire you, the business owners and decision makers, to embrace creative ideas designed to set you apart as a leader in climate change practices.


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Our experienced business advisors will work with you to develop a customised training program that meets the specific needs of your business. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and start your journey.