The Circular Economy

In the natural world, most things function in some form of circular system.

For example, a plant grows using energy from the sun and water and nutrients from the soil. It is then consumed by an animal, which in turn is consumed by a larger animal all the way up the food chain until the top animal dies and the nutrients are returned to the soil for the process to begin again. This circular system has worked well for millions of years.

Here at Peak Governance Business Advisors Ltd, we look at mirroring these natural processes as part of the circular economy and in turn instilling these best practices into the mindsets and businesses of our clients, suppliers, and peers.

For decades (and indeed generations now), humans have taken a more linear approach to life. From clothes to plastic bottles to electronic items, we use, then dispose of, vast amounts of potential reusable objects. While there is no doubt that there have been great advances in how we live, work, and relax, the consequences of some of these behaviours has had drastic results on the planet.

So to minimise the impacts of how we live and work and to mitigate the risks of running out of some natural resources completely, we need to take a leaf out of nature’s book and move towards a circular model in all that we do. This is where the circular economy originates.

If we take 2 examples that are close to the hearts of many people - clothes and beer - there are many ways in which we can positively impact the environment both in our businesses and our personal life.

Keeping clothes from landfill, (where it is estimated, globally, that a bin lorry full of clothes is either dumped in the earth or burnt every second) and reusing them either through second-hand selling/purchasing or adapting the items for uniforms (for example in business), is important for having a positive impact on the environment.

Brewers’ grains from beer making, which were previously discarded, are now frequently instances used to form parts of a granola bar… who says you cant have beer for breakfast??!!

Peak Governance encourage and work with all our clients to find ways to be innovative in this field, save them money and help them impact positively on the local, national, and global environments.

To find out more about the circular economy get in touch with us at , or visit our website at and check out our environmental policy.

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