Peak Governance

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The Sky Is The Limit…

Yesterday at Farnborough Airport, UK Ministers and aviation chiefs came together to further commit to the 2050 target of Jet Zero, that is to work towards decarbonising the aviation industry by this date, through speeding up the design, manufacture, and rollout of zero emission aircraft as well as the essential infrastructure at UK airports.

The 2 yearlong action plan aims to, among other objectives, create thousands of well paid, green jobs.

At the same time as this conference is going on we also have world leaders at the G7 in Japan, committing to halt and reverse the decline in biodiversity by 2030 in order to protect the natural world. Included in this is the agreement to share out the funding to the less prosperous nations so that they too can participate more fully in the quest to save the natural world.

So, there is much happening. And everyone has their part to play. The collective effort of all of us in our businesses and person life is crucial to the future of the planet. Don’t let your business be left behind.

One of the most pro-active ways to begin or indeed continue your journey towards net zero is to become accredited in Carbon Literacy. Each attendee that becomes accredited is another step towards showing that your company cares about climate change and that it is committed to addressing ways to combat it.

For further information on our Carbon Literacy Training courses and to sign up please visit our Carbon Literacy Training page.

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